Actor Ray Winstone has stepped up to support a skin cancer prevention campaign in mid and south Essex.
The campaign is focusing on an innovative approach, which has seen health leaders team up with construction and trade supply firms in a bid to beat skin cancer among tradesmen and outdoor workers.
The campaign aims to cut the rate of death in tradesmen to skin cancer which is currently one person every two weeks.
Once a person seeks help from their GP practice, they will be able to use the latest technology to support rapid diagnosis of skin cancers, provided Skin Analytics.
Speaking about the new technology, Dr Elizabeth Towers, Macmillan GP for Mid Essex said:
“Early and rapid diagnosis of skin cancer is very important to improve people’s outcomes. We commissioned this ground-breaking AI tele-dermatology service from Skin Analytics to help GPs with an instant decision on whether or not to refer someone with a mark or mole (lesion) to hospital under the cancer pathway. Some 50% of referrals for skin cancer turn out to be a simple skin problem that can be dealt with in a community dermatology clinic. We hope this will lead to more accurate referrals and take the guess work out of this for GPs.”
Speaking about their support for the campaign – Iain McPherson, Group Chief Executive, Countryside said:
“While this campaign initially focuses on the mid and south Essex area, we feel the message is so important we need to share this across all of our sites in England. We have a strong focus on the wellbeing of all our employees, and our construction workers and surveyors often spend hours outside in the sun. We already provide sun cream to support their welfare, but these extra advice cards and posters will hopefully drive the message home about prevention and spotting the signs of skin cancer early.”
To support the campaign, Ray Winstone has agreed to record a short video and have his messages #CoverUpSunshine on the posters to make the campaign have a wider appeal.
The construction companies, which include Travis Perkins, Countryside Properties and Neilcott Construction will be sharing special advice cards, awareness posters and sun cream to support their work force and customers to protect themselves from the harmful rays of the sun and to recognise an unusual mark or mole and seek help.
More information about the campaign is available here: